Bushra Shakil

Bushra Shakil

Class of 2018
BS Electrical Engineering

Aspiration Statement

Electrical engineering major through a liberal arts college helped me in exploring subjects such as philosophy and literature. My key interest is in sustainable energy development and energy efficiency.

Core Skills

  • Team Management
  • Microsoft Word - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Excel
  • Research
  • Matlab
  • Critical Thinking
  • Social Media
  • Public Speaking
  • Community Outreach

Academic Awards / Achievements

  • Merit Scholarship, Aug 2014 - May 2018


Leadership / Meta-curricular

  • Published In Arzu Anthology, Feb 2018
  • Organizer, Hour of Code, December 2016
  • Vice President, Pi Phi Social, Feb 2015 - June 2015
  • Founding Member and Vice President, LEADS, Sept 2015 - April 2016

Final Year Project

Project Title

High Efficiency Isolated DC-DC Boost Converter for Renewable Energy Applications


Energy production and distribution is becoming a central area of research and manufacturing, especially as our energy needs sour to an all-time high with an ever-accelerating technology-based lifestyle. The current renewable energy delivery systems rely on power converting systems whose efficiency lies within the range of 60 to 70%. Our capstone design project is based on the design and delivery of a DC-DC Boost Converter that can achieve an efficiency of over 95%. This is achieved through an efficient design of high-frequency components, i.e. transformer and inductor. One distinguishing feature of this device is the usage of an interleaved winding technique in the high-frequency transformer. The converter is also equipped with a voltagedoubler circuit, which further simplifies the high-frequency component design used in renewable energy systems. This is a joint project with Muhammad Talha.

Project Pictures